
Sunday, November 7, 2021

Videogame Review, Tempest 4000 for the Playstation 4 (PS4)

Videogame Review, Tempest 4000 for the Playstation 4 (PS4)

Note: Some reviewers say they’re “communist”.  They play expensive video games and pay good money for video games.  The video games are expensive.  The video games cost big money.  And, the reviewers say they’re “communist”.  But they are not communists.  This is not communism.  A communist does NOT say, “Get expensive video games.”  A real communist says, “Give up your extra property and don’t live in riches.”  I know this.  I watch Chinese communists on YouTube sometimes.  Shopping for expensive video games is not communism.  Communism is something more like “hard work with government’s permission of modesty”.  The video game industry in America is not communism.  So, the reviewers who say they’re “communist” are just giving a false statement.  A communist does not buy expensive video games.  A communist buys cheap video games.  Playstation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch are expensive video games.

It’s a hot game for the challenging players.  The graphics are very sharp, bright, and thin.  A game like this is so hot I’m wondering if players can hold the PS4 disc with a straight face.  My first impression of Tempest 4000 was not good.  Visuals don’t always come to play with experience.  Later levels in particular have a kind of hard-to-beat notion.  A jump button is very useful although another means of attack would’ve made Tempest 4000 the greatest improvement.  There’s a lot of improvement; however, there’s also a lot of downgrade.  Believe it or not, “high definition TV” does make a gross characteristic to the neon formula due to excessive difficulty and demanding vision.  You will lose in the game early on if you have not played it before.  Jumping does have its limits.  Atari was obviously sinking in pleasure and, by sinking in pleasure, they cause pain to some gamers.  Tempest 4000 is definitely a new game.  But when I’m seeing Atari’s logo hundreds of times at the start menu there’s possibly an ego problem with retro video games and the players of “the good old days”.  Let me be clear.  Tempest 4000 is less expensive.  It’s a combination of 2D and 3D.  The PS4 controller is not a remote; because of this, the bonus round appears impossible at a first glance.  This is important because a beginner or novice player of video games can be stuck on the first glance for years and years.  Tempest 4000 requires a player’s habit.  You’re not going to get away from the challenge with an “easy A”.  I’ve heard my teachers use the phrase “easy A”.  Some games are like easy A’s.  Tempest 4000 is more like an easy C.  You can see the gameplay for my theory.  Basically, Tempest 4000 is one of Atari’s ego problem with intensity and brightness.  Arcade machines require lots of quarters or dollars by today’s standard.  Tempest 4000 is very pretty, but I need to really see what I’m doing before giving the mark of approval.

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