
Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Music Album Review, “Winelight” by Grover Washington Jr.

Music Album Review, “Winelight” by Grover Washington Jr.

What an electrifying piece this is!  You’ve probably remembered different jazz classics that still play on Music Choice to this day and I’ve recalled the 80’s from the very nature of nostalgia and bias, so we’re in the boat together along the lines of defeat in privilege for which sanity goes under our scope towards imaginary disposition, as indicated from listening to songs like “Winelight” and “Just the Two of Us” on the cool stigma between ears and volume, wax and electricity, receipt and order, order and receipt.  Lots in the way of love is expressed through the harmony of irritations within the borders of conduct Grover maintains in sheer motion against time while the going gets tough upon the saxophoning.  Don’t forget to set the volume high enough or else the vibes will leak in vague awareness of our presence in a room like no other: specifics, details, values, work, hard work, privilege out of sanity.  It’s funny how writers like me can arrange words by grammar use and display emotions in light that’s hotter.  Here, the pops and zings before the musical notes turns them into crystals boomed from the buffing speakers near the remote locations we’re so used to, whether at the bus or a stop or another place, across the seeds of time as whereupon frustration sits in excitement for listening to “Winelight”, an album as much about “castles in the sky” when power and vision swim into each other’s focus on general conduct.  And we can go on in support of the hits among the spades to work out the spades against the hits, for, through and through, we’ll use gardening just out of bounds for the ears beside our haircuts.  Sure, hair flows where music breaks us open into vision and power since earbuds keep the beats at volume to hits.  Or you can still attempt at concerting music at a long-lost stereo from Kmart.  (And buy the batteries from Albertson’s.)  Music has dynamics within the notes between taste and reason on my mark, getting set to go.  Let me guess.  You’ve lost your head already.  Funny how cool people tend to remain speechless at so many levels no matter how absurd their calmness is.  Vibes go with ideas although opinion goes with reason.  Volume may suggest truth if these vibes Grover plays go hand in hand with the future in our vague awareness of life for what’s happening along the lines of defeat, as in submission to the classics where progressing features of an item add onto conduct under the scope managed and refined overtime.

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