
Thursday, August 16, 2018

Radio Station Review, Spotify- Trance Mission, for the PS4

Radio Station Review, Spotify- Trance Mission, for the PS4

Its pauses of volume disturb me through the VR headset.  There’s earphones with my VR helmet and I’ve been listening to beats which don’t add up to rhyme and reason under my ear buds unless we’re considering roughness or foul play in the system.  Pictures will disturb you from what’s presented in grossness and attitude- for example, a balloon image is given veins and stomach organ colors.  Maybe Trance Mission has been intended for the crowd who like exaggerations toward something that can disturb people enough to make them give off aggressive moves, but I don’t see much of a point.  My PS4 is at home and I’m sitting near it.  It’s not portable or else I wouldn’t be here talking on Spotify, a music service on Playstation 4 consoles which takes your hand on some applications and exposes it to tacks and nails.  However their horrific art appeals depends on a varying number of factors concerning energy because belief has to get mixed up with power somehow or confidence would be ruined and body destroyed.  Or, at least that’s THEIR interpretation.  Songs turn out to be repetitive on Trance Mission anyway.  I hope they weren’t thinking we’d just sit there enjoying the music all day long as horror bit by bit is refined into even grosser terror as what’s indicated in transgressive beats that add flavor to anything but the mind.  A lot of this is dangerous philosophy and listeners are only going to get sillier above all other emotional factors.  You see, a bad sense of humor often comes leading to other faculties in the mind until evil is reached somehow, despite the HD and different sound effects.  I’m like, “Wow, those sound effects are different!”  Sure!  And trash is different too.  Look, I have a radio somewhere in my house that’s for a greater variety of music and sorts, so why can’t Sony extend the conversation through songs and radio stations on a bigger variety as opposed to just simply a unique one?  Uniqueness can just mean you’re strange and nothing more.  Oh, look, the color orange; it’s on an album cover!  Gee, what a monster!  Besides all this I’m getting more plain and uninterested in repetitive beats.  It’s as if Trance Mission is trying to wash me over with the same exact musical notes again and again and even the other occasional, unique beats don’t add up to power and vision for aggression, like it’s some kind of doorbell we can’t change or something.  At times doorbells are better controllers than any controller by Sony.  Hearing is good, listening is better.

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