
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Drawing Photo- "Sonic the Hedgehog" (by me)

Drawing Photo- "Sonic the Hedgehog" (by me)

Hold on!  Remember, Sonic the Hedgehog used to just be some image in an artist's head for Sega.  The image could've been drawn in any way, shape, or form within reason.  Sonic is a pixel, a graphic, an image which comes from an artist's mind, and an artist can create his own little world, right?  So here's my version of Sonic the Hedgehog that I dreamed of last night.  My head was swimming and I was going through some kind of watery vision in which Sonic jumped around like a jelly bean and while drawing this Sega character I realized that my mind itself was filled with paradoxes: visuals on top of visuals, graphics on top of graphics, hands where feet were, feet where hands were, head where tail was, etc.  My drawing here is a reminder to Sonic "fans" that we don't need to draw him exactly as he would've been drawn in the beginning since by having extreme fundamentalism over the imaginary concept we also deny our minds, thoughts, and feelings for the places in true art quality.  Call this historical reference, but I'm very proud of my work and hope you guys draw things from your mind as well as draw things from within and from without.

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