
Monday, April 11, 2022

Videogame Review, Lego Worlds for the Playstation 4 (PS4 Game)

Videogame Review, Lego Worlds for the Playstation 4 (PS4 Game)

What this Lego game is missing is physics.  Building Legos for the Playstation 4 sounds good on paper; however, there’s no paper and you get TV bugs.  It’s not really surprising.  Real Legos are plastic toys, not TV pixels.  When you have a TV for electric display, the pixels will become over-elastic for the bricks and I must “fool around” with soft design.  It’s a very, very soft design.  Lego Worlds should be called “TV Islands”.  There’s a great deal of visual fantasy.  Problem is, the Legos keep stretching into collapse with various objects; this situation leads me to a general pressure for the errors of childhood with imaginary PC effects.  It would be nice if a brick was really solid but it’s not.  Even the Lego characters don’t always know where they’re going.  Maybe I will control an astronaut in the game.  With the astronaut as personal choice, my astronaut can get his feet on fire while standing on grass.  Wow!  Does grass catch you on fire?  I’ve never had this problem in my backyard!  You can manage tools.  Keep in mind that, when you manage tools, the management of tools is loose and disorderly.  I feel uncomfortable from playing with Legos without the physics.  We don’t even get imaginary physics.  The “Legos” just… pop.  Programming does get buggy.  So, basically, Lego Worlds is not a feature presentation.  Instead, Lego Worlds is a playable mess.  But I don’t want to play with all of this mess.  Just the Lego worlds are not that big and impossible circumstances make the Lego “worlds” unbelievable and wrong for viewing.  You can “build” everything; and, you can “destroy” everything.  I find this game strange.  Children are never occupational.  What makes children do anything right for Lego Worlds?  Especially, when you go to Candyland and see busy construction workers hanging upside-down from trees, you begin to wonder if children should be viewing this game with such disorganized display.  Some Lego objects are too abstract and I don’t really know what to do with these Lego objects.  And, I was a Math major with experience in Elementary Geometry, Trigonometry, and College Algebra.  How can a poor little child understand any of this?  Sometimes, I talk to children in Tehachapi, in person.  Talking with children becomes a confusing chat.  Children can say weird things.  And, as an adult, I don’t always know what “my words” can do for children.  I only mention Geometry in this review.  But, I don’t say “Geometry” in front of children.  They know very little about Geometry.  I can only play Lego Worlds well because of my education for my old Math degree goal.  Of course, due to my mental illness, I needed to leave State University without a degree.  But I can “play” Lego Worlds when I want to mess around with my Playstation 4.  There’s a lot to mess around with.  Lego Worlds is a mis-creative program.  It’s something I can enjoy.  However, I must decline the offer of pleasure, and, declare negativity about the beautiful mistakes.  We get beautiful mistakes.  But, even for beautiful mistakes, we make other mistakes for the beautiful mistakes, and the feature presentation is more theory and less quality.

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